Betting on sports, especially horse racing, can be an exciting pastime. However, understanding the jargon used in the industry can be a challenge for newcomers. One term that often comes up is “SP,” or “Starting Price.” In this article, we’ll explain what SP means in betting, how it’s determined, and its importance in horse racing and sports betting.

What is SP (Starting Price)?

SP, short for Starting Price, refers to the odds assigned to a horse or participant at the beginning of a race or event. It is the final price offered by bookmakers when the race begins, and it’s used to determine the payout for winning bets.

How is SP Determined?

The SP is determined by a panel of bookmakers at the racecourse, taking into account various factors such as:

  • Betting activity at the racecourse
  • Online and off-course betting activity
  • The opinions of other bookmakers

These factors contribute to an overall consensus, which leads to the final SP for each participant.

The Importance of SP in Horse Racing

Betting SP is crucial in horse racing betting for several reasons:

  • Fairness: It ensures that all bettors receive the same odds, regardless of when they placed their bets.
  • Transparency: SP offers a clear reference point for comparing odds and potential payouts.
  • Simplicity: For casual bettors, SP eliminates the need to search for the best odds, as they are automatically applied.

Comparing SP and Fixed Odds

While SP represents the odds at the start of a race, fixed odds are set in advance and don’t change. The main differences between the two are:

  1. Flexibility: Fixed odds allow bettors to lock in a price, while SP odds can change until the race begins.
  2. Potential payouts: SP can result in higher or lower payouts than fixed odds, depending on market fluctuations.

How to Use SP in Your Betting Strategy

To effectively use SP in your betting strategy, consider the following tips:

  • Analyse past performance: Research the history of SPs for similar races or events to identify trends.
  • Assess the competition: Evaluate the participants and their odds to make informed decisions.
  • Monitor the market: Keep an eye on betting activity and fluctuations to anticipate potential SP shifts.


Understanding SP in betting is essential for anyone looking to make informed bets on horse racing or other sports. By grasping the concept of Starting Price and how it’s determined, bettors can make better decisions and improve their chances